Rose, thou art sick


A suggested new logo for the UK’s Labour Party, which is now undergoing a statutory investigation by the EHRC into its institutional racism and discrimination against Jews, including its Jewish members and staff. The second party to face such an investigation after the BNP, a far-right, fascist party.
You can see more about how we arrived at this tragic, sickening point in this twitter thread
O Rose thou art sick.
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night
In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.


Donald Trump is in the UK during the commemoration of D-day. The allies defeated the Nazis. They didn’t praise them as fine people as he did the white supremacists of Charlottesville. Here is the only D I think fitting. His father was arrested at a Klan rally.



Updated this image, originally (see below) I thought robbing him of his hair would render Trump more baby-like, remove his pomposity and reveal the underlying fragility of a vain old man but you (obviously) lose the iconic recognition. So I’ve … Continue reading

Taking liberties



‘There, I’ve taken it off, better?’

In Cannes, France, a woman was forced to disrobe on the beach as part of the temporary ‘burkini ban’ preventing ostentatious religious dress. France has been victim of a terrible deluge of Islamic terrorist attacks, but even so, to become more like the aggressor – introducing morality police dictating what woman should wear – is not to win against them.

In the beginning was the word and the word was fabulous 

   In Orlando, a man with an assault rifle killed 50 LGBT people and injured 53 more in a gay nightclub he used to himself frequent. After murdering these people he rang 911 and pledged his allegiance to Islamic State, which has since applauded his actions. His father was more circumspect and said it was God’s job to punish gays.Religiously entrenched homophobia is rife in orthodox and fundamentalist embodiments of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, around the world. But this hatred is normalised to murderous effect in countries that kill people, now in 2016, for being gay. 

There are 10 countries where homosexuality is punished by state enforced execution, the majority of them are Islamic, including Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia. See the Washington Post’s map

The idea that your God would want gay people killed while making one in ten of all of us, atheist, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist etc. gay, is ludicrous to me, that is what this cartoon is about.

Good grief


  Grief-shaming is the latest social media trend, after Facebook made it easy for users to change their profile pics to be tricoloured in sympathy with the 140 murdered victims of the Islamic State’s  terrorist attacks in Paris.